About Bharat IAS & KAS Coaching Institutes Bangalore:

Bharat IAS is a premier institute for coaching students appearing competitive exams at state level & national level.
BHARAT IAS & KAS coaching institute is a premier institute pioneered in coaching students to succeed in various competitive examinations like IAS, KAS, SSC, IBPS, PDO and many other exams. We have a track record of coaching about 8 years with 2000+ students who have been benefited from our various programs. Many of our students have succeeded with flying colours and serving in various post across departments in the government. We have a highly qualified faculty who have succeeded in many competitive exams guiding the students, they are a blend of academic excellence and with wide experience. We also invite guest faculty from Delhi & Hyderabad and bureaucrats from central & state government to inspire and motivate our students.



R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru

3rd Floor, Trinity Building,
Opp. Shanti Sagar Hotel,
R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru – 560 032.

Mobile: 9901006910

Email: bharatiasandkas@gmail.com


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